Original Chai Blend: Spice Drop!

Our flagship product is our Original Chai Blend. It was the inspiration for the creation of Shanti Chai & Co, and it is the product that inspires all of the chai blends, black tea blends and herbal blends we create and carry.

When our dear family friend Pravin lived with us when I was a child, every afternoon the kitchen would fill with the aromatic and spiced smell of homemade chai. It would waft from the stove and fill the upstairs with the sweetest aroma, and it became an important part of our day. As a teenager, I spent a summer staying with his family in Mumbai, and again, every day included tiny cups of delicious freshly brewed and homemade chai.

Sometime in my mid-twenties, I remember craving a cup of real chai... and thinking, now where can I buy that chai, that exact chai!? That was when the idea of Shanti Chai & Co was born, although it had yet to have a name or proper blend or vision...

In 2017, while on a drive, a voice came into my mind that said: it is time! And I knew what that meant. It was time to start Shanti Chai & Co! Our first job was to create that version of authentic, delicious, aromatic chai. This process involved sourcing various spices and teas, experimenting with chai blends and brew times, sharing cups with friends and family to get their feedback and then blending and sampling again. Finally, we all agreed we had found it. This was the perfect cup, the blend for our Original Chai!

Our Original Chai Blend combines seven incredible spices - cinnamon, cardamom pods and seeds, ginger, star anise, cloves, fennel and peppercorns - and a malty CTC-style Assam tea to form a chai that well-blended and delightful to drink. A chai that is truly Authentic, Indulgent and Delicious!

Shanti's hands hold a red cup full of the spices found in Shanti Chai & Co's "Original Chai Blend"

Since then, our line has expanded to include other specialty chai, black tea and herbal blends, teas and tisanes. But these all come because of our firstborn, our Original Chai Blend!

To learn how to prepare chai, please visit: https://shantichai.com/pages/how-to-prepare-chai

To Shop Chai, please visit: https://shantichai.com/collections/chai


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